Craft Time

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just a photo of baby girl from the 20th of April 2013. She was making a flower with construction paper and some of my scrap booking supplies. Surely, the tongue hanging out is helping with her concentration. :-)


Neon and some fun

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Probably the worst combination but I had to try. Dressed my daughter in her new neon green lace tee and took her to the Children's Museum. While there, she discovered this very fun piano and of course, I had to get photos. So many color issues confronted me, but with my ExpoDisc, Canon 50mm 1.4 lens set at f/2.8 and ISO of 2000, I proceeded to take my chances.





Ice Cream - Her Way

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My daughter had been asking for the Play-Doh ice cream set for the longest, and I finally decided I would give it a try. Considering we have carpet, this may not seem like the best idea. I gave her the rules and she has actually been doing really well with it. We had an extra shower liner that was not opened, so I used that to cover the table. She had a lot of fun playing...and continued to ask me every hour when it was time to play again. 





Her New Style

Friday, April 19, 2013

Just a share of my daughter after I styled her hair. She has naturally curly hair and has never had heat applied, so I thought it would be fun to play around and flat-iron for a straight look. Of course, she loved it and I had to let her know this was very temporary. She did look adorable though. However, I do not appreciate her putting on this brand new dress while hiding in the!


Hobbyist Photographer | Tronesia Derrico | Madison, Wisconsin